Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 7, post 1

1. Because nonverbal messages can be ambiguous, they are open to a misinterpretation. Have you ever been wrong about the meaning of someone’s nonverbal message? Describe what happened. How can people increase the accuracy with which they interpret nonverbal messages.

I have been wrong a few times when dealing with nonverbal communication messages, one of which is very vivid in my mind. I was working at my hotel, at the front desk, and gentleman came up to the front desk and asked for a bottle of wine. I let him know that we have room service, and he could order it in his room. He said he wanted me to order for him, so I gave him a list and he point to one, and I asked him if he wanted a glass or a bottle, and he clinched his fist and nodded at me. And then I let him know the price, and he repeated the action. I assumed the clinched fisted symbolized holding a bottle, and I quoted that price. I found out he only wanted a glass of wine.

1 comment:

DJ Q said...

Its very awkward when someone tries to tell you something with physical movement and you don't even realize it. I've been in situations where people are trying to tell me what they're looking for with physcial gestures and I try my best to help. The answer was so obvious however I was paying more attention to the verbal interaction. It's even harder when there is a language barrier. People have asked me for help where they cannot udder one single word in english, instead use pointing and other hand gestures and then I nod and verify for them their question. Its the best I can do but sometimes it isn't succesful.