Sunday, September 14, 2008

week #4 - post#1

A well-known speaker I would like to analyze would be presidential canditate Obama. Obama has very unique credibility towards his listening audience. Obama's greatest strength is that of the unknown. He is opposite of the polital forces which have been in power for the past 8 years. This gives him the ability to say, "If you don't like the current state of affairs in our country, then elect me, because I am opposite the current power." This is a very strong and appealing statement to most voters. Obama doesn't have as much power as John McCain, or credibility is some area with relation to foreign policy experience, however his attractiveness is far greater than McCain with his ability to sway the nation.


Rina Sutaria said...

You are right, Obama's views are opposite on a lot of issues in comparison with the leaders of our country for the past 8 years. However, just because he thinks opposite than the current government, does it necessarily make him credible?

Since people seem to be sick of the political affairs of our nation, they do find his stand on issues to be appealing. But it seems like it is a risk voting for the unkown.

I believe that since he lacks the international or foreign policy experience, that people may choose not to take the risk associated with electing a relatively unexperienced individual. All in all, it will be a great race.

I just recently obtained US Citizenship so I am excited about being able to vote:)

blondie said...

Hello Daron Story,

You made some great points in you blog about a well-know speaker, such as Obama. I also wrote about Obama in my blog and agree that as a presidential candidate he really has a unique style of presenting and delivering speeches to the public. I believe we both would agree that his style of speeches and interviews are what is truly getting young voters interested in this year’s election. I enjoyed reading over the quote you find about Obama and power. Obama may not have the amount of Power as McCain, but has the ability to reach his audience both young and old. When I wrote about Obama in my blog, I also mentioned his strength as attractiveness. Many voters and non-voters enjoy listening to him because of his humor, knowledge and personal appearance/presents. I had a great time reading your blog and have an awesome week!


Reese said...

After reading your blog I find myself asking how has Obama swayed our country? I do not mean this in a negative way at all. I too like Obama. Sway is just an interesting word choice so it caught my attention.

I can see what you are saying that Obama has the upper hand on McCain do to the fact that he is opposite in political forces meaning democrat. However, I would like to argue that people are creatures of habit and people will still vote for McCain simply because he is the Republican candidate.

Obama is someone our country has never seen before. He holds all the cards in terms of power, credibility and attractiveness. He is a breath of fresh air to those who have felt America has gone to hell when Bush entered office, are excited about him. We know that Obama has the ability and strength to make it all the way to the white house. I am excited to see the outcome in November.

Thanks Daron for your insightful blog, it really made me think a little bit more about the election.