Thursday, October 2, 2008


I believe that men and women do use communication in different ways. I think that men often use nonverbal communication much more than women. This can easily be seen in handshakes and head nods for acknowledgment, which would mostly be a conversation action for women. Men often talk less, but are more focused in their speech, almost to a fault, such as appearing not to care. Women speak from a more global perspective, which sometimes can lead to speech that is not connected to the original topic, bu may be just as important. There can be obvious differences and discrepancies between and within genders based on personality as well. We might assume that speech can be associated with the level of masculinity or feminity displayed in the individual.

1 comment:

Darnisha said...

I do agree with you that men and women both have different ways of communicating with each other. I also agree that women do use verbal communication a lot more than men do. From my experience, it has always been the women who like to sit down and verbalize everything from their emotions to solutions to a problem. Also from my experience, this tends to get rather annoying. :) But on the other hand, I do notice how men kind of avoid verbal communication when they do not want to use it. I'm not exactly sure why this is. Perhaps men do not feel they need to verbalize every little thing, or they are afraid to verbalize certain things. Either way it is rather interesting when you sit down and think about the communication differences between the two genders.