Tuesday, November 4, 2008

week 11, post 2

*Think about the filters you use to eliminate people from consideration as potential romantic partners. What characteristics or behaviors lead you to judge others as unattractive? Does Duck's theory make sense to you? Have you ever eliminated someone by using a sociological or pre-interaction cue only to reconsider them based on interaction and cognitive cues?

Filters are extremely important in picking potential romantic partners. Without having filters it would require a sensory overload, as too much information would need to be analyzed. I judge attractiveness mainly based on facial features. At that point, I would then gauge their personality and ability to participate in a relationship. Duck’s model makes sense as it is based on phases. The four phases are intrapsychic, dyadic, social and grave-dressing. I believe the heart of all break-ups is some unresolved conflict, involving any of a multitude of issues that every couple faces. I have made quick judgements of someone, and then reconsidered them based on interaction. It was difficult for that person to move past the bias in my mind.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Daron! You said, "I have made quick judgments of someone, and then reconsidered them based on interaction. It was difficult for that person to move past the bias in my mind." When you talk about moving past a bias, are you referring to an initial interaction? And, did the person eventually move past the bias completely, or was it still lingering in the back of your mind for quite a while, if not indefinitely?