Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 12, post #1

1. How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, ethical obligations do an organization like a college or university has to the local community?

Organizations are really their own environments. I especially like how the book paralleled the two, and expressed the need to create a health environment, and that one can also be destroyed. I think the town or city’s “attitude” is often reflected in the school. The main relationship is the diversity across many different lines. I think a college or university must have the same type of responsibilities of other corporations, especially local corporations. This corporate responsibility must create a good will with the people to create a positive working environment between the two. The school needs students, and the students need a place for an educational experience.

1 comment:

blondie said...


I would agree with your blog that the relationship between schools and city's fall hand-in-hand. If you look at SJSU and the company's who help SJSU students they are normally more local company's, which will help all parties and the community. Organizations help us group each other into areas where we can see how it may benefit the environment around us locally or more in mind-frame as a world. Either way it is important for both schools and local community's to have a relationship with their surrounding environment to ensure positive growth.

Have a good one!
