Thursday, November 13, 2008

week 12, post 2

2. Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

I definitely think that we must be able to understand the diversity of people within the organization, and be able to respect one another. Personal business always seems to surface in the professional world, so it something that simply must be endured.

I have been bothered by cell phone use, especially in my current job. When guests are checking into the hotel I work at, and the person is on the phone, I believe it is extremely rude. I may have other guests wanting to checkin as well as the guest, and this person is still on the phone.

From my experience in a heavy call volume position, it is not rude to place a call on hold a assist another person. You need to be able to multitask and help both at once, with researching while speaking to the new person.


JP-Comm 105 said...

I think that rudeness is taken into context. For example, the person on the phone while checking in may seem rude to the hotel employee. However, the hotel employee that answers a call while the person is checking in may be impacted in the same fashion. Each individual has an agenda to their day and sometimes there are conflicting agendas. It has become increasingly difficult to comprise a culturally or politically correct method of electronic communication. Each culuture or subculture (sales, marketing, clerical, professional, etc..) has a different idea of rudeness. A sales person may not think it rude to speak on the phone in a restaurant while an attorney or librarian may think it is the ultimate disrespect. So, culture has played a large roll in how we view acceptance to different types of communication.

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Daron! Do you think it would be rude to tell the person on the phone to 'hold on' while they checked in, put down the phone, continued with the transaction, and then once finished pick up the phone and continue the conversation? I have observed, on a number of occasions where people do this at grocery stores, clothing stores, etc... Is this rude behavior or acceptable?